meeting of the East African Community Sectoral Council on Trade,
Industry, Finance and Investment (SCTIFI) kicked off at the EAC
Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania today.
The SCTIFI meeting which will run from 30th January to 3rd February, 2017 has drawn participants from all EAC Partner States namely Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
The five-day meeting which began with the Session of Senior Officials will also include the Session of the Coordination Committee (comprising Permanent/Principal Secretaries) and culminate with the Session of Ministers.
High on the agenda of the meeting are the consideration of Progress Reports on: the EAC Single Customs Territory; the Development of a Framework for the EAC Customs Bond, and; the Development of the Customs Valuation and Risk Management System.
The meeting will also consider: Proposed EAC Information System for Customs and Trade; Report of Experts on Chapter 15 of the Revised EAC Rules of Origin; Development of Product Identification Bulletins; Progress Report on the Comprehensive Review of the EAC Common External Tariff and EAC Rules of Origin, and; Draft Regulations on Motor Vehicle Assembly within the region.
Hakuna maoni:
Chapisha Maoni