1. The Inter-Burundi Dialogue resumed on 21st May, 2016 at the Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) in the United Republic of Tanzania under the leadership H. E. Benjamin Mkapa, the Facilitator of the process.
  1. Invitations to attend the Dialogue was extended to a broad spectrum of stakeholders including Government Officials, all former Heads of State, the National Commission for Inter-Burundi Dialogue (CNDI), all Political Parties registered in Burundi, Civil Society Organizations, Faith Based Groups, Prominent Political Actors inside and outside Burundi, as well as Women and Youth Groups.  Invitation was also sent to the Diplomatic Community in Tanzania, United Nation, African Union, and EAC Partner States.
  1. As of 22nd May, 2016, there were eighty three (83) Burundians from within and diaspora taking part in the Dialogue and more are still arriving.  They are represented as follows:-
(a)   Government Officials including the Ministers of External Relations, Interior, and EAC Affairs;
(b)   Former Heads of State
(i) President Syilvestre Ntibantunganya; and
(ii)                President Domitien Ndayizeye.

President Pierre Buyoya was invited but did not attend
(c) Prominent Political Actors
(i)     Hon. Victor Burikukiye (CNDD-FDD)
(ii)    Hon. Gelase Daniel Ndabiraba (CNDD-FDD)
(iii)    Mr. Leonard Nyangoma (CNDD)
(iv)  Hon. Agathon Rwasa (Independent)
(v)        Mr. Frederick Bavuginyumvira (SAHWANYA- FRODEBU)
(vi)  Hon. Pasteur Mpawenayo (UPD-ZIGAMIBANGA)
(vii) Mr. Kefa Nibizi (FRODEBU – NYAKURI)
(viii)Mr. Ngayimpenda Evariste (Representing Mr. Charles Nditije-Independent)
(ix)  Hon. Jean De Dieu Mutabazi (RADEBU COPA)

MSD Party was invited but did not send any representation.
(d) National Commission for Inter-Burundi Dialogue
The President and 3 Commissioners.
(e)  Civil Society Organizations, Youth, Women and the Media
            22 participants are taking part in the Dialogue
(f) Private Sector
            Two Representatives
(f) Special Envoys
(i)     Representatives of the United Nations
(ii)     African Union
(iii)    European Union
(iv)  Special Envoys of the United States, United Kingdom and Belgium, among others.
  1. The Facilitator of the Inter-Burundi Dialogue confirms that he will be able to meet all the stakeholders who were invited to attend the Arusha Dialogue and were not able to come due to various reasons. The dates and venues will be communicated in due course. The Facilitator regrets their absence and notes that their participation will add value to the Dialogue.
  1. The Facilitator regrets the continued and persistent misreporting on the ongoing Inter-Burundi Dialogue in Arusha, Tanzania. The Facilitator urges both local and international media, as well as other organizations to report objectively on the ongoing Dialogue and calls on them to be partners in promoting peace and stability in Burundi, in tandem with the Facilitator’s mandate.

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Chapisha Maoni